
The "Place Duct Bank" feature allows you to position a duct bank on selected fabrication parts within your project, following specific settings. This involves placing fabrication part hangers onto chosen fabrication parts based on predefined spacing or the desired number of hangers per element. It simplifies the process of arranging duct banks according to your project requirements in a precise and efficient manner.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Access "Place Duct Bank" Tool: From the toolbar, click on "Place Duct Bank".
  • Select Parts: Choose the fabrication parts where you want to place the duct bank. Then, click "Finish."
  • Customize Settings: A window will open with the following options:
    1. Setting: Select a setting profile from the dropdown, choosing from your saved settings.
    2. Conserved Spacing: Choose whether you want the conserved spacing to be at the middle or end of the conduit.
    3. Placing Option: Define your preferred placing option from these three choices:
      • Entire Path: Distribute spacer plates evenly throughout the entire conduit's path.
      • Segment: Distribute spacer plates along the designated segment of the conduit runs.
      • Single Spacer: Position a solitary spacer plate at a precise location on the designated segment of the conduit runs.
    1. Create Duct Bank: After setting up your preferences, click the "Create" button to place the duct bank according to your chosen settings.

Place Duct Bank: Segment 

This option allows you to distribute spacer plates along the designated segment of the conduit runs. This feature is particularly useful when you need to place spacer plates at specific intervals within a defined portion of your conduit system. It offers precise control over the placement of spacer plates to meet the requirements of your project design.

Place Duct Bank: Single Spacer 

This option enables you to position a single spacer plate at a precise location on the designated segment of the conduit runs. This feature is valuable when you need to place a spacer plate at a specific point within your conduit system. It provides precise control over the placement of individual spacer plates to meet the exact requirements of your project design.

Place Duct Bank: Entire Path 

This option allows you to evenly distribute spacer plates throughout the entire conduit's path. This feature simplifies the process of placing spacer plates along the full length of the conduit, ensuring that they are spaced at regular intervals. It provides a convenient way to achieve uniform spacing for spacer plates within your conduit system, streamlining your project design.

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