
The Dusty Robotics Exporter feature creates an AutoCAD file from Revit's floor plans, suitable for sending to the Dusty Robotics Robot for precise layout in construction projects. It's a part of the next-generation construction layout technology, aiding project teams in significantly reducing schedule delays and rework costs through precise, full-scale floor layout.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. From the "Machine Export" button, choose "Dusty Robotics Export."
  2. Select your preferred level (1) for Dusty Robot export.
  3. Identify the viewpoint number (2) associated with the chosen level where points are located.
  4. Pick your desired export file type, either .DWG or .CSV.
  5. Click the "Export" button to generate your file.
  6. A new file explorer window will appear, prompting you to specify where to save the file. Choose a location and click "Save."
  7. A popup will inquire if you wish to open the file. Click "Yes" if you want to open it.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Revolutionize Your Documentation Review with HelpNDoc's Project Analyzer