
The Export Bill of Material feature in our plugin simplifies the process of exporting Revit schedules, producing a comprehensive Bill Of Materials list that can be saved in either a single or multiple Excel files. This enhances the efficiency of managing and analyzing project components.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Click the Export Icon, then choose "B.O.M."
  2. A new window will open where you can enter your preferred file name (1) for your Bill of Material.
  3. Select your desired file location (2) to save the file and specify whether you want it as a single document or multiple documents.
  4. Choose the schedule(s) you want to export (3).
  5. Click the export button to export and save to the location you specified.
  6. A new window will prompt you to open the file. Click "Yes," and an Excel sheet similar to the one shown below will open.


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