1) Download the Fabrication Tools: Obtain the Fabrication Tools .exe file from the official source.

2) Run the Installer: Open the downloaded file. When prompted, review and accept the software agreement (1), then click the "Next" button (2) to proceed with the installation.

3) Proceed to the Next Page: After clicking "Next," you will be taken to the second page. On this page, locate and click the "Install" button (1) to start the installation process, otherwise if you wish to cancel the installation process you can click on the "Cancel" Button (2)

4) Installation in Progress: Once you click the "Install" button, the installation process will commence. You will see an installation progress bar (1) indicating the status of the installation.

4.1) Cancel Installation (Optional): If needed, you can cancel the installation at any time by clicking the        "Cancel" button (2).

 After the installation is complete, restart the Autodesk Revit program. Upon reopening Autodesk Revit, you will notice a new tab named "[N] Fabrication Connected" This tab contains all the features and tools available within the plugin, ready for your use.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily Add Encryption and Password Protection to Your PDFs