To create a project

  1. At the upper left corner of the home page, click New. A dialogue  box is displayed.

  1. On the Create Project dialogue box, add an image for the project.
  2. In the Name box, type a unique name for thr project. 
  3. Click the arrow next to Filter by status, a drop down list is displayed. 
  4. From the displayed list, select the status of the project.
  5. In the Building name field, type a name for the building.
  6. In the Project Number field, type a number for the project.
  7. In the Address field, type the address of which the project will be delivered to. Then click Create. The project will be created and displayed at the very top of the projects list page.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Revolutionize Your Documentation Output with a Help Authoring Tool